Thursday, 6 November 2008

Tea and Knowledge: The Credit Crunch and China

Date: Wednesday 29th October, 2008
Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Venue: D402, Clement House
Speaker: Stuart Simpson

As the credit crunch continues to go from bad to worse the reality of recession in much of the developed world has been accepted. The task now is to avoid a lasting and severe depression. What does this mean for China and the other emerging economies? Talk of decoupling has all but vanished. Will the effects of the credit crunch spread to the world's most dynamic economy? Or will China forge a new role for itself in a changed global economy.

Stuart Simpson is the financial analyst and journalist as well as the convenor of the Institute of Ideas Emerging Economies Forum - researching the economic, political and cultural impact of the dynamic growth of much of the developing world. He has published various articles on these themes in print and online publications, including The Independent, Die Welt, Spiked and Novo Magazine.

For further information contact Ang Li at